Saturday, January 12, 2019

Introducing Myself

Hello to all.

Welcome to Smiley Draws Requests. My name is James, and I'm your artist. You can request that I draw pics. Above is just an example of my artwork. And here are the rules:

Article 1: How to request a pic.

To file a request for a Smiley Draws image, either post your idea in the comments section, send me a note, or contact me on Discord (my Discord handle is JamesSmiley and my user ID is #9800). If I reply to your request idea and I say yes, then it is accepted. Note that I cannot take up all your requests, so I will generally operate on a first come, first served basis.

And please use this form, if you don't mind:

Title: [The title one wants me to use when I post the pic.]
Subject(s): [The character(s) one wants drawn.]
Main Details: [How you want the character(s) interacting in the pic.]
Additional Details: [Any miscellaneous details, such as clothing, hairstyles, etc.]
Background: [The backdrop used in the pic, if applicable.]
Alts: [What alts one wants, if applicable.]
Character Reference(s): [An image of the character(s) in question for a reference so I don't have to google it up.]

Here's the form if you want to request something with a bit more spice to it:

Title: [The title one wants me to use when I post the pic.]
Subject(s): [The character(s) one wants drawn.]
Sex Position: [The position the character(s) are engaging in sexual activity, if applicable]
Bondage Details: [How the character(s) are tied up/gagged, if applicable.]
Additional Details: [Any miscellaneous details, such as clothing, hairstyles, etc.]
Background: [The backdrop used in the pic, if applicable.]
Alts: [What alts one wants, if applicable.]
Character Reference(s): [An image of the character(s) in question for a reference so I don't have to google it up.]

Article 2: Content

I will draw just about anything. Both SFW and NSFW requests will be accepted. Note however that I have some basic rules for content that all users will need to abide by, and any requests with banned content will automatically get rejected.

1: I do not draw scat.
2: I do not draw excessively gory material.
3: I do not draw anything related to yaoi or GiD.

Other than that, you got it.

If you requested a Smiley Draws image that cannot be posted on DeviantArt (say, you request a sex scene), then it will be posted on this blog (I made this blog to keep my actual artwork separate from the material I pay other artists to do for me).

Article 3: Waiting Time

Ok, I'm actually a pretty fast drawer, all things considered. But if your request is taking longer than expected, BE PATIENT! There is nothing that will get you blacklisted faster than you pestering me about why I haven't done your request yet. But usually, I'll have your image ready within 7 days at the most.

Article 4: The Blacklist

Users who do not abide by articles 1-3 will be put on a blacklist. Anyone on this blacklist will not be allowed to make any requests and any attempts to request a pic will automatically be rejected. Typically speaking, users will get three strikes before they're put on this list. If you are on this list, don't bother asking to be removed from it.


Article 5: Current Status of Requests

Currently, requests are open.

Here's the shortlist of people whose requests I've accepted. If I've accepted your request, you'll be put on this list, and I'll do the pics in the order people appear on this list:

[Sorry, this list is currently empty. Sorry about that, mates.]

With all that shit out of the way, happy requesting.

Have a nice day.

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Introducing Myself

Hello to all. Welcome to Smiley Draws Requests. My name is James, and I'm your artist. You can request that I draw pics. Above is j...